Regular and timely maintenance of cedar shake roofs, which includes inspection, cleaning, treatment, and repair, can protect your investment for a minimum of 30 years. Neglecting to maintain your roof’s aesthetic and longevity will result in a significant decrease in its lifespan. A professional roof contractor is recommended because of the risks involved in working on a roof, and the complexity of cedar roofing maintenance.
Cedar Shake Roof Maintenance: What is the Cost?
Costs for cedar shake roof maintenance vary depending on where they are located, the roof style and extent of damage. A contractor will typically charge $750 for a wood shake roof repair and $0.21 to $0.34 per square foot for cleaning a cedar shake roofing. Although it may seem costly, replacing a cedar shake roof will cost between $600 and $670 per square. A shake roof that measures 3,000 feet can cost anywhere from $18,000 to $20,000. Here are nine important facts about cedar shake roof cleaning.
1. Protective Treatments
Cedar shingle maintenance should include protection treatments every one to three year. Cedar shakes can buckle, rot and burn if they are not treated. Every few years, professionals should apply water repellents, pesticides, fungicides and algaecides to your roof shingles.
2. Remove Overhanging Branches
You must remove any branches that are overhanging your wood shingle roof. The roof will dry quicker if the branches are removed. This reduces the risk of mold growth. The likelihood of a tree falling onto the roof, damaging it or setting fire to it, is greatly reduced by removing branches.
3. Remove Debris
As part of regular roof maintenance, you must remove all leaves, pine needles and sticks from your cedar roof. The buildup of debris can cause moisture to form, which in turn can lead to wood-destroying fungus and weakening your roof’s lifespan.
4. Power washing
Proper wood shake roof maintenance should include a professional power wash every few years. Power washing can remove moss and debris, as well as lichens and other weaker wood. Power washing will not only enhance the appearance of your roof, but it also maintains its strength and integrity.
5. Gutter Maintenance
The gutters on a roof drain water away from the house, so moisture doesn’t damage the foundation or roof. You can damage your wood cedar roof if you don’t clean your gutters. Regular maintenance of your cedar roof includes cleaning out your gutters.
6. Cleaning and inspection
Regular maintenance and inspection can extend the life of a cedar roof for up to 30 years. Your roof may need to be replaced if you do not maintain it properly. Your roof should be inspected for debris, mold, and damage twice a year (Spring, Fall, and after a hailstorm or severe wind event). A professional should clean your cedar roof’s surface every five to seven year in order to preserve its warm color and ensure it lasts for many years. Your investment will last for many years by keeping your roof clean and well-inspected. As important is cedar shake siding maintenance.
7. Pest Control
Missing or broken cedar shingles can allow pests like rats and squirrels to enter your home. These noisy pests can cause severe damage to your walls and attic. They can chew on wood, electric wires and eave tubes (causing water damage) as well as chewing on electrical wires. They can also transmit disease and odor. To prevent pest infestations in your home and to protect your family from the harm they can cause, it is important to immediately hire a professional to replace or repair any cedar shakes that are missing or damaged.
8. Rotting Shingles
Cedar shingles are naturally water-resistant. Wood rot can still occur if the wood moisture level is higher than 20%. This could lead to mold growth. Regular maintenance is key to preventing rotting of shingles. This includes regular inspections for algae and treatments. You should immediately hire a professional to fix or replace any fungus found on your roof.
9. Cracks
As part of cedar roof maintenance, it is important to inspect the roof for cracks. Because wood expands and contracts naturally from temperature fluctuations and moisture exposure, cracks may develop in cedar roofs. You should call a professional if you notice cracks or splits appearing.
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