As CBD oil is firmly thrust into the limelight, with more products and celebrities touting its benefits, it poses the question, what is it, and what is it able to help with?
CBD (cannabidiol) oil has recently exploded into the mainstream. In the words of the Cannabis Trades Association UK, the number of users has increased dramatically, shooting up from 125,000 last year to around 250,000 in 2018. The CBD oil has caught the attention of many industries , from cosmetics to medicine What is the reason for an upswing in CBD products and oil?
One of the major reasons for the increase in CBD oil is believed to be due to the latest research and studies that have highlighted its benefits, such as stress and anxiety relief, and also promoting better sleep. In the words of the World Health Organisation (WHO), CBD may have beneficial effects in treating the symptoms related to Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s, MS, cancer and diabetes-related complications, as well as anxiety, pain, and depression. CBD has been gaining popularity in the search for products to help with inflammation and joint pain, along with other ailments and symptoms.
What exactly is CBD?
CBD, also known as cannabidiol is one of 104 chemical compounds known as cannabinoids found in cannabis and hemp plants. It is a natural substance, it can be extracted and then mixed with a carrier oil like coconut or hemp seeds to produce CBD oil.
Having no narcotic effect (none of the euphoric highs associated with Cannabis and THC – also known as tetrahydrocannabinol), CBD is believed to have a range of health benefits. Legal to purchase for use and consumption in the UK so long as it doesn’t contain any THC, CBD is now more widely available as an oil, within chocolate, beauty products, and even as an ointment for the skin.
Used as a form of treatment alternative and complementary for a number of thousands of years, research studies have only recently begun to discover the possible benefits and negative effects using CBD oil could bring. While it’s believed to possess significant therapeutic benefits, researchers are still looking to prove or disprove many of the claims surrounding the usage of CBD oil.
What can CBD oil be used to help?
Skin issues
Early studies have suggested skincare products containing CBD oil could aid in the treatment of the symptoms of skin such as the psoriasis and eczema. Skin moisturisers that contain CBD have also been successful in reducing acne-prone skin and oily skin. However, experts warn that the strength of CBD oil could affect the amount of impact these products may achieve, and they have emphasized that more research is needed in order to fully comprehend the degree to the extent that CBD may affect skin related conditions.
Stress, anxiety, PTSD and insomnia
According to one YouGov study, 74 percent of UK adults feel overwhelmed or unable to cope due to stress. There are a variety of symptoms, from general feelings of anxiety to insomnia and tension in the muscles, some experts believe that recent surges in sales of CBD products to the growing desire to find alternatives or other methods to relax and unwind. After a long day of looking at screens, about 30 percent of us are thought to be suffering from sleepiness.
CBD oil could help users achieve an easier night’s sleep, enhancing the overall quantity of sleep, and also reducing sleepiness. Studies have revealed that CBD can interact with serotonin (which plays an essential role in our mood and anxious) and GABA (calming overactivity and aiding in relaxation) receptors, though further studies are still needed. The reason for this is thought to be CBD’s anti-anxiety properties CBD helps to relax, which allows to have a better night’s sleeping.
To date, the most evidence of CBD’s effects on anxiety is based on studies on animals. Although more human-based trials are needed however, early studies have indicated that CBD may help reduce social anxiety. More studies have explored the effects similar to antidepressants CBD could have on people, with trials showing an improvement in symptoms for those experiencing PTSD (post-traumatic anxiety disorder).
Management of pain
Many people have reported the positive impact CBD oil UK can have on reducing chronic pain, in addition to workout-related discomfort and pain. All in all, the scientific community have declared that there should be further, comprehensive research to fully understand the risks associated with this. Before using CBD oil to help with the treatment of pain, it’s advised to seek advice from a physician.
Research has suggested that CBD might be beneficial for sufferers of arthritis for helping to manage their pain. According to research, patients experienced a significant decrease in inflammation as well as signs of pain. There were no additional negative side consequences. A few studies have also indicated that that CBD can be beneficial in reducing pain and inflammation.
Further research has suggested CBD could have anti-inflammatory properties. Numerous studies have revealed that CBD works with the endocannabinoid systems in many organs in the body, helping to systemically reduce inflammation.
Stop smoking
According to a study from 2013, CBD may be an effective tool for reducing smoking. Studies have shown how, when CBD was used as a part of an inhaler, the participants cut down on the number of cigarettes they smoked every day by 40%.
How do I use CBD?
CBD can be utilized in a number of different ways. It’s available in a range of products, the most common ways people are using CBD products include:
Cosmetics and products for beauty – A variety of body and cosmetic products designed around the advantages from CBD have been made available. From online to on the high-street at stores like Holland & Barrett, these products include refreshing body washes which claim to help energise and hydrate, body oils to calm and stimulate; moisturisers for dry skin; as as muscle balms for relaxation.
Oils – Can be purchased on the street as well as on the internet, CBD oils ranging from as little as 3% cannabidiol oil concentration up to 11% are available at the local drugstore. Commonly, they are taken orally by placing the CBD underneath your tongue for a couple of seconds prior to swallowing the oil. Topical oils and ointments are also readily available. It can also be added to water, purchased as capsules, or sprayed directly under your tongue, or bought as liquid for vape device.
Although a variety of forms of CBD are available to purchase from health stores however, it is worth noting that the majority of clinical studies highlighting the benefits of CBD were focused on the use of CBD oil rather than as part of a cosmetic.
Does CBD cause any adverse effect?
Potentially. Certain studies have suggested CBD oil usage can cause changes in appetite and mood. Other possible side-effects include dizziness, feeling sleepy, nausea, diarrhoea, vomiting, and lower blood pressure. Although most users don’t experience negative effects, experts have highlighted that there is a need to study the effect of CBD over the long term CBD to be examined in certain aspects (such the effects on hormones) aren’t yet investigated.
While the media has frequently made the case for the use of CBD oil in children experiencing seizures as well for a range of other illnesses Experts do not currently recommend CBD oil for use in children. This is largely due to the fact that there is not much studies conducted on CBD oil which has most studies focusing on the effects it can cause on adults rather than the children’s developing brains. Similar to this, it is generally not recommended to mix with breastfeeding or use while pregnant.
Although CBD seems to be effective and has proven beneficial for users from a variety of fields, more research is still required to understand its effects in the short- and long-term. If you have any medical concerns or issues, it is always recommended that you speak to an expert medical professional or doctor prior to beginning alternative therapies. Alternative therapies should be utilized in conjunction with (rather than instead of) other methods of treatment that are recommended by medical professionals.
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