Q. How would you describe working with the Goddess Activations™?
It is part of my Dharma to bring back Goddess energy to this planet, to share this with all women who are ready to receive it through the Goddess Activations™. I believe in the power of the divine feminine. As you can see, divine feminine essence is needed now more than ever in our world. In ancient times, there were Goddess Priestess Temples around the world. Most Goddess Temples have been destroyed along with their teachings and their initiations that went with them. My Dharma is to restore the integrity of the Goddesses. Through this work, we balance the scales and bring back the true essence of the divine feminine through Goddess Activations™.
Q. Why is Goddess Activation™ important for women at this time?
It is essential to bring back the original blueprint of the “Pillars of Feminine Light” through the Goddess Activations™. In my year-long online certification program, I teach Goddess Archetypes to my students and how they can work with them. This program is deeply focused on nurturing and empowering the feminine through this powerful transformation program using my method, Goddess Activations. This is vital in awakening all aspects of the feminine. My coaching and mentorship program for women is for those ready to dive deep into this sacred realm of the Goddesses and its Activations™. It is essential to learn about the various Goddesses, and who they are, their offerings, and their power. One can learn how to heal oneself and others through this modality. It is my mission to further bring this work to millions of women around the world!
Q. Please tell us a little about Goddess Code Academy™:
Goddess Code Academy™ is the home of Goddess Activations™. Simply put, the Goddess Code™. It is the temple for the Divine Feminine. Women who walk through these doors receive soul medicine through the programs offered. It’s set up for self-paced learning and healing programs, holistic practitioner training and certifications, and those who desire intensive one-to-one mentorships such as the one-year Goddess Activations™program. There is truly something for everyone at Goddess Code Academy™.
Q. What is your One Year Goddess Activations™ Certification Program About?
The Goddess Activations™ certification program is a coaching-mentorship and is an invitation to fall in love with yourself all over again. When you learn this sacred healing modality, you become a Certified Goddess Activator™. You are meant to be the woman of your dreams and be a Goddess Activator healer for others as well. I’ve had many women tell me how this work has brought them back to feeling confident, in touch with themselves, to their feminine ancestors as it is a part of themselves, awakened after many dormant years or lifetimes to their true nature – the divine feminine. During the twelve months of learning the Goddess Archetypes, one gets to know the qualities of a particular Goddess archetype, learns how to work with each Goddess archetype, and gets maximum results and benefits. It provides a holistic understanding of healing oneself and others in an inspired way of becoming.
Q. How would you describe Goddess Activation™?
Goddess Activations™ is a living light energy transmission, filled with pure Goddess Code™ frequencies. It is different from any other healing modality I’ve ever experienced. Being a Certified Advanced Teacher and Practitioner of over a dozen healing modalities, I always felt something was missing. So I kept going, more training, more certifications, and six figures later, I was awakened to the missing link. The Goddess Activations™ was presented over and over in my sessions with my clients. Specific Goddess energy would show up. I would ask the client if it was ok to bring in this Goddess Archetype. And that is how it all started. My sessions became much more effective, and the results were nothing less than miraculous. Goddess Activations™ was born through working with women in my private healing practice in Hollywood Hills over a decade ago. Goddess Activations™ has been trademarked to protect the integrity of this sacred work. This work is not fluffy by any means, and it should be honored because it is truly DIVINE. Integrity is a big part of this work, and I intend to keep Goddess Activations™ protected.
Q. You mentioned that this modality is your original creation. When did you create Goddess Activations™? And why is it so important?
Yes. The Goddess Activations™ is an original healing modality, and it came to me in 2009. It is the missing link in healing the feminine at the deepest heart and soul level. As the pillars of divine feminine light, a pure Shaki Energy essence is its foundation, the very divine primordial Shakti cosmic consciousness that moves through the entire Universe. One that we were all originally connected to.
It is important now more than ever to get back in alignment with the Divine Feminine Consciousness. Some women come for ONE Powerful Session, while others join 3-6 month programs or 1 year to experience the depth of multiple Goddess Activations™. When one considers taking the one-year-long program, it’s a container for the student to master various Goddesses. This year-long program is truly a sacred experience where students will walk through Eleven Gateways and activate Eleven pillars of light. Each month, one Goddess Activations™ is presented. Students receive the teachings, healings, activations, and training holistically. Students will receive a Goddess Activators™ Practitioner Certification and a Holistic Healer Certification at the end of the program. They are well on their way to start their journey as Holistic Healer, as Goddess Activators™ Practitioner. My greatest passion is to teach my students this vital information. I believe that whatever you love, money will follow, and I make an income doing so. It’s a win-win for both the practitioner and her clients.
Q. How does someone apply for this program?
To apply for this program, visit: radhaanilia.net/goddess-activations/
What are women saying about the Goddess Activations™?
“I’ve seen Radhaa’s work with the Goddess Activations™. I’ve been curious about it, but to truly experience it; it’s inexplicable. The Goddess Powers that she’s able to decode and be in touch with these Activations. The Goddess Activations™ and guidance happened at the right time in my life. Right now, I’m experiencing many paradigm shifts. Some old things are burning away that no longer serve me, which is relieving. I’m also receiving many good things that I have manifested for a long time coming, but they’re all hitting me at once. This Goddess Activations™ got in touch with all of those things that have caused fragmentations to my life to bring healing. When Radhaa called my soul fragments back, there was an absolutely beautiful feeling that came over me. It has given me a sense of calm, a sense of relief, clarity, newness, and more courage. I healed so much and was able to forgive through this Goddess Activations™.” – Cristal Ortiz
Q. You recently curated a book called Pillars of Light: Stories of Goddess Activations™. Can you tell us a bit about the book?
Yes! Pillars of Light: Stories of Goddess Activations™ just came out January 22nd on paperback. The book, based on women’s experiences of Goddess Activations™ modality. Since I teach this method at Goddess Code Academy: A Mystical School for the Divine Femine, I invited women to share their Goddess Activation™ experience in the book. I have been doing this work with women for over the past decade and felt it was time for some of the women to share their stories in the book. The women come from all kinds of backgrounds yet their stories weave a profound and universal message, it’s never too late to heal. The theme of redemption speaks throughout the book, offering readers a chance to reminisce on their own lives, and where they may be ready to find healing through Goddess Archetypes.
Here is the back cover description: “The Goddesses have been trampled out of temples, written out of text and taken out of History. The world is imbalanced because of this, and the Goddesses are needed now more than ever. Join us as we unravel the tight grip of the patriarchy to resurrect the Goddesses back onto Earth and into the Golden Age.
Discover seventeen Goddess Archetypes through women who experienced Goddess Activations™ as they unravel feminine pain of old paradigms, transforming their journey into triumphant holders of Pillars of Light. Goddess Activations™ is a living light frequency, an original healing modality by Radhaa Nilia. Goddess Code Academy is the home of Goddess Activations™, a mystical school for the Divine Feminine.”
You can find the book HERE:
Kindle: amzn.to/3okvcfO
Barnes & Noble:
Q. Any last words of wisdom Radhaa?
Lastly, I know these have been the dark nights of one’s soul, and that is why I feel so passionate about bringing forth Goddess wisdom into women’s lives. We have this great opportunity to create shifts for the future and the coming generations as we do the work. In Shamanism, it’s understood that the traumas are passed down seven generations. But so is the healing. I am a big believer in clearing these traumas. To me, this is how we start shifting the world. It all comes back to ourselves, as without, so within. As above, so below. I truly came to this planet to share these Goddess Codes. And it would be my honor to share them with you. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, and I look forward to getting to know you!
Radhaa Nilia is an intuitive teacher, coach, healer, forward-thinking speaker, and writer on feminine empowerment and leadership. Radhaa is the Creatress of the original healing modality Goddess Activations™. Founder of Goddess Code Academy™, a mystical school for the divine feminine. Radhaa is a contributing writer for various magazines (Huffington Post, Elephant Journal, Splash Magazine) and the author of Quan Yin Goddess Activations, Memoirs of a Galactic Goddess. Radhaa is the curator of the Best Selling Awakening Starseed series and the founder of Radhaa Publishing House. radhaanilia.net/radhaa-publishing/. To find more ways to work with Radhaa: www.radhaanilia.net or www.GoddessCodeAcademy.com