Young people are increasingly turning to apprenticeships to get into the workforce. This allows them to learn a trade, gain valuable experience on the job, and earn a wage.
Apprentices can be employed at all levels: from high school graduates and college graduates to those who are looking to advance their career or change careers.
You can either hire someone new or improve the skills of an existing employee.
It’s not only the apprentices that benefit. Employing an apprentice is a great investment for any company that participates in these schemes.
Hire an apprentice – 4 benefits to a small business
#1 – A dedicated workforce
An apprenticeship program can have many benefits. It helps to build a loyal and dedicated workforce. Apprentices tend to be young college or school leavers. This means that they are eager to learn and will have the energy to help you guide them up the career ladder.
According to the government Apprenticeships website, 86 percent of employers stated that apprenticeships had helped them to develop skills specific to their organization.
#2 – Bridging skills gaps
Many businesses, especially those in technology, have difficulty finding people with the skills that they need to grow their business.
This problem can be solved by hiring an apprentice. You can hire someone who has the talent and enthusiasm you need and then train them for a specific job.
#3 – A fresh perspective
Although apprentices might not have worked in the workplace, they can bring a new perspective and innovative ideas to any growing company. Many young people have strong technological skills, which can be used to gain competitive advantage.
#4 – Improving your bottom line
Employers may be concerned about the cost of training an apprentice. However, they often pay back their investment in a few years. Apprentices can also improve a company’s bottom line through increased effectiveness and productivity.
78% of employers stated that apprenticeship gov have helped them increase productivity.
74% of employers stated that apprenticeships have helped them improve their product or service quality.
Employers often find that the initial cost of hiring an apprentice is lower than they think due to the government funding and the fact they earn a lower wage. According to a UK Commission on Employment study, 88% of employers believe that apprenticeships are a cost-effective method of training staff.
According to the National Audit Office (NAO), every pound spent by apprentices returns PS18 to the economy.
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