The digital age is here to stay. It’s nearly impossible to imagine a normal life without using the Internet as a facilitator for our daily actions. We perform all sorts of activities on it. We purchase or work, study and learn more. Our lives are connected via screens and the vast array of digital devices available to us at present. This explains why translating your website and making its content available to new audiences could be such a beneficial strategy for internationalisation.
Some Background First
Recently, Statista, an online stats portal, released an analysis of how the number of social media users has grown (and will further increase) worldwide between 2016 to 2023. The report states that by 2021there will be about 3.210 billion monthly active users, the majority of which are from the Americas and Asian countries.
What is this saying? This means that we face an enormous task ahead. On other hand, we must be able to stand out from all these searches and posts. In addition you must reach the intended audience from all users on the Internet users. Therefore, managers must take time to understand the behaviour of Internet users on their websites and study the amount of users on social networks when conducting market analysis.
In this article, we’ll tell you the 5 benefits of website translation. Do we begin?
Why Translate Your Website?
1. Website Translation Enhances the Chance of reaching more people
If you translate your website into different languages, you’ll have the ability to broaden the audience you reach. It is because users prefer to visit sites that are available in their native language. A survey conducted by CSA Research revealed that “76 percent of shoppers who shop online prefer purchasing items in their own language”. In addition the survey revealed that “60% rarely or never buy from sites that only sell English products.”
These percentages prove that having your website translated into other languages could aid in increasing the number of people navigating it. This means you improve your chances of obtaining the most sales.
2. A Better Experience for Users on Websites
Nowadays, companies have to pay attention to the user experience when exploring their websites.
What is this about? It’s about how a user is feeling when they are on your blog, website or communications channels. Each person who visits your site does so in order in order to fulfill a need. Therefore, one of the greatest challenges in the creation of content is to pay attention to all the details. From the words you use to the amount of time it takes for various sections to load. This is due to it being the case that individuals seek solutions swiftly and effectively.
However, imagine that a person who visits your site, but is unable to understand the content because it is not available in their native language. Perhaps they only comprehend a small portion of it. They could be an eventual (but lost) user, customer or reader.
We’ve seen before that people prefer to purchase items on websites that are translated into their native language. The study conducted by CSA Research also revealed that: “Seventy-five per cent of people who took part in the survey say they are more likely to buy from the same manufacturer again the customer service is available in their native language. This preference is strongest among people who have less experience in English. But even 60 percent of the people who are most confident in understanding English favor having customer support in their own language.”
3. The Website Translation Tool lets you more effectively connect with your customers or readers
The primary thing to consider when communicating something is your target audience. While these are all words that we read and hear all day, it sometimes happens that daily priorities or the inability to focus and make us forget about the topic. Knowing your target audience helps you determine how you can communicate effectively with them. Furthermore, it allows you to discern which are the most beneficial solutions you can provide to your audience and through the channels you can offer them. Here’s a fact that should not be overlooked Communication isn’t just about giving information. It’s also about learning to understand your audience and connect with them.
A lot of times, websites are translated in a literal manner. This means that you do not think about which words your target audience is using the most or would be the most suitable. Thus, if you’d like to reach your clients or readers, you’ll have to connect with them in their native language. Apple, for instance one of the world’s leading tech companies, recognized that its customers were global. This is why its website is currently available in over 130 languages.
This does not mean that you need to adapt your website to every one of these languages. However, it does mean that you need to consider the geographical location of your target audience to choose which languages you want to translate your website into.
4. Website Translation Helps Improve Your SEO Ranking
Improve your SEO rank is about creating “tweaks” of your site to enable search engines to better comprehend it. This means that you will rank among the top websites when users search for information that is related to your services or content. In order to achieve this it is essential to make your site more efficient by focusing on various aspects. It is possible to do this by creating meta descriptions, labelling every section of your site differently, being concise and descriptive, as well as employing titles that are connected to your site, to name some.
Be aware! First of all the fact that people are more likely to visit websites that are in their native language. Secondly, that a good user experience is based on providing your audience with the information they require. Also, it is crucial to use the same language of your customers. With this in mind translating your website can be efficient method to boost your SEO as well as reach new viewers.
5. The Translation of Your Website Enhances Your Brand Image
Websites that have been translated into various languages are more reliable. In fact, people tend to think of companies that have a global footprint as being more notable. This is because they can have a greater reach or simply because they have more customers.
At the same time, translating your website into various languages will show that you care about the people who visit your site. Since your content will be easy to access, it will also be easily understood by people from different countries.
Final Thoughts
The Internet is a symbol of globalization. In the blink of an eye, people from all over the world could visit your website. Therefore, if you want to reach a greater number of users or clients and boost your sales, translating your website is essential. And remember! translating your website using machine translation software won’t suffice.
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